Nero MediaHome complete Tutorial,NeroMediaHome4EssentialsLGLimitedEditionCDImage.,InNeroMediaHome4Essentials,gotoDeviceandselectSmartTVtosetuptheconnectiononthePC.OnyourSmartTV,selectSmartHome()>SmartShare™to ...,SoWi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials

Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials by: Nero. Publication date: 2009.

LG Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials

Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials LG Limited Edition CD Image.

DLNA - LG Smart TV

In Nero Media Home 4 Essentials, go to Device and select Smart TV to set up the connection on the PC. On your Smart TV, select Smart Home ( ) > SmartShare™ to ...

LG DVD Player not able to see Nero Media Home 4

So Windows 7 is not supported. There may be a workaround, as harrymc pointed out, setting up a different DLNA server, since its a standard that ...

Smart Share - Support & Help

PC requirements for installing Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials program. close btn ... Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8. - Windows Media Player : 11.0 ...

LGLAS750M 產品支援:手冊、保固以及更多

取得LG 產品支援LAS750M。下載LAS750M 手冊、文件和軟體。查看LAS750M 保固資訊和預約維修服務。

LG Smart Share - Support & Help

Discover how to use LG Smart Share to connect and share content across devices. Access guides, troubleshooting, and tips for optimal usage.

windows 7的桌上型電腦搜尋不到具有DLNA功能之電視

我家的LG LE5500一直沒辦法使用Windows 7的DLNA功能, 看了這篇教學,才發現問題是出在, 電視打開之後,雖然網路有接上,但是並無法從Windows 7的網路裝置中搜尋到電視的存在。

[求救]LG電視LE5500的DLNA (第2頁)

如無法與電視連線,請您將Nero MediaHome4從電腦移除再重新安裝。 請先確認液晶電視與電腦是否連接在同一個伺服器中。 請再次進行dlna連線,其操作方式如下: 1 按兩下桌面上 ...

Nero Media Home

評分 4.5 (19) Nero MediaHome software is the universal media center for archiving, sorting, creating, and playing your files.

lgneromediahome4essentialswindows7,NeroMediaHome4EssentialsLGLimitedEditionCDImage.,InNeroMediaHome4Essentials,gotoDeviceandselectSmartTVtosetuptheconnectiononthePC.OnyourSmartTV,selectSmartHome()>SmartShare™to ...,SoWindows7isnotsupported.Theremaybeaworkaround,asharrymcpointedout,settingupadifferentDLNAserver,sinceitsastandardthat ...,PCrequirementsforinstallingN...